Daily Activities That Encourage Independence in Kids

Fostering independence in children is a crucial task for both parents and childcare providers. Raising your child to be independent will help them cope in the real world as adults. It also promotes self-esteem, confidence, divergent thinking, and perseverance in their development. Here are activities that promote independence in children:

  • Assign daily chores.

    Allow your child to help with light tasks, such as setting the table or feeding your pet. Avoid rewarding these everyday tasks and instead give praise. This will encourage school age children to be more responsible at home and school.

  • Clean up after play.

    Make your child responsible for their bedroom and cleaning up after play. Out of school time is when children like to play at home. Get your child to do some tidying up while singing a song. If siblings have a room, teach them how to work together to tidy the space.

  • Pack their school bag.

    Let your child pay for their school bag before going to preschool or nursery facilities in Washington, DC. This will get your child used to these tasks so they are better equipped for more challenging tasks as they grow.

  • Let your child do it.

    When your child can do tasks independently, like brushing their teeth or putting on their shoes, let them do it with minimal assistance. Doing everything for them because it’s quicker takes away their independence. Letting them do things by themselves will help them develop basic self-care skills.

Community Educational Research Group is an established infant care in 50th St. NE, Washington, DC. Get in touch with us to learn more about our creative curriculum.

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