Busting Common Misconceptions About Toddler Care


Popular beliefs can perpetuate practices that may not align with the current understanding of child development. Addressing these ensures that parents and caregivers have accurate information to support the optimal development of toddlers. Might this be a topic you are interested in? Community Educational Research Group, tried-and-true childcare providers in Good Hope Rd. SE, Washington, DC, can fill you in on the details!

As a reputable daycare center in Southeast, Washington, DC, we are committed to championing optimal care and fostering early childhood development for the children under our care.

With that, here are the realities behind the most prevalent misconceptions about toddler care, presented to you by a top-notch child care agency like ours:

  • Early engagement in academics makes a child smarter.

    While early exposure to language and fundamental concepts is undeniably beneficial, it is crucial to strike a balance between nurturing curiosity and allowing for natural cognitive development. Beyond a sole focus on academics, a child’s holistic development requires elements such as play-based learning, social interaction, and exploration of the environment.

  • Toddlers require stringent discipline to acquire a sense of right and wrong.

    Employing strict discipline can result in fear or even rebellion. More effective approaches involve positive discipline techniques, such as establishing clear and consistent expectations, redirecting behavior, and employing positive reinforcement.

  • TV functions as an appropriate pastime for toddlers.

    Excessive screen time, such as TV, can hinder a toddler’s development. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against any screen time for children under 18 months and suggests limiting it for those aged 18-24 months.

Do you want to enroll your little one in our pre-kindergarten in Northeast Washington, DC? Dial us today!

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