Discover How Children Learn Through Play


Learning through play is a strategy of learning that is commonly used in schools offering childcare in Northeast Washington, D.C., and across the United States. Through this method, young children learn to make sense of the world around them. It develops social and cognitive skills while allowing children to mature emotionally and gain self-confidence from a young age.

While it may seem like all play without structure, your child’s preschool in Southeast, Washington, D.C. can use this method of learning to teach important lessons and hone their abilities. For instance, certain games teach children the importance of teamwork, communication, and sharing with others.

Meanwhile, games like building blocks and puzzles teach children to recognize different shapes and sizes while developing their logic skills. On the other hand, more physical activities like dancing or playing ball help children improve their strength, body movement, and coordination skills.

At a young age, children typically learn through all five senses: taste, vision, touch, hearing, and smell. By integrating the way they think and learn into a learning curriculum, children learn faster and are able to associate what they learned in their day-to-day activities and experiences.

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